LIFT – our day, our goals, our culture

We are a modern company that is optimistic about the future. We want to constantly improve, not only to inspire our customers, but also to proactively shape our company as a team. We invest in ourselves and our culture. This includes structures, processes, our development potential and role models as well as our interaction, communication and cooperation. The expression and tool of this open and dynamic corporate culture is our own team event format: the LIFT.

LIFT: What is that?

LIFT stands for "LEAB internal Friday" and describes a special series of events in which we work as a whole team on issues related to corporate development. The aim is to sensitise all areas to cultural and structural issues. In short: time to work on ourselves, time to grow together and time for successful exchange.

Which topics are in focus at LIFT?

Each LIFT sets a thematic focus and follows a central question. For once, it's not about watt specifications, quantities, orders or special solutions, but specifically about us. Focal points can therefore be, for example, organisation, structure, culture, communication or corporate goals. These topics find expression in concrete questions and tasks.

A LIFT is divided into various workshops, activities, sessions and exchange formats. The input comes from both staff and external experts. The day is always professionally moderated.

How often does the LIFT take place?

We plan two to four LIFT events per year. Depending on the needs, topics and structure, these events take place on a full-day basis or, if it makes sense, on a half-day basis. We prefer to hold LIFTs in presence at our premises or in external event rooms. During the 2020/21 pandemic phase, however, we also held digital team days.

A contemporary tool

This form of targeted interaction with internal processes and dynamics helps us to proactively meet cultural, structural and strategic challenges. At the same time, it strengthens cooperation and increases satisfaction. We are therefore already looking forward to the next LIFT.

In a hall people stand in a large circle

Shaping the future together. Growing closer.