Marius Urbanowicz is our new sales manager

As of 1 January 2022, Marius Urbanowicz has taken over as sales manager. His predecessor, our founder Bart Westerkamp, will primarily support the sales department in an advisory capacity in the future.

From engineering to sales to the team

Marius Urbanowicz ist bereits seit rund vier Jahren in unserem technischen Vertrieb tätig. Aktuell betreut er Kundinnen und Kunden aller Größen im Sektor Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben (BOS). Ob Kundenbesuche, Kalkulation von Projekten oder Beratung – seine Erfahrung ist an allen Stellen von großem Wert. Denn Marius hat schon viel gesehen. „Ich habe eine Ausbildung zum Kfz-Mechaniker abgeschlossen, war dann als Flugzeugmechaniker tätig, anschließend habe ich eine Ausbildung zum Maschinenbautechniker gemacht und die ersten Erfahrungen als Projektmanager gesammelt. So bin ich schließlich zum Vertrieb und einige Zeit später zu LEAB gekommen”, fasst er seinen Werdegang zusammen.

I am honoured to take on this leadership role and look forward to the new tasks and challenges.

Well prepared for new tasks

With the position of sales manager, new tasks now await him. "I took over the management of the team in January. That means getting to know my colleagues and the customers and sectors even better, keeping an overall view, but also continuing to be there for my customers." He looks forward to the challenges. "After all, we have been working towards this change for a long time." In close exchange with Bart and Richard Westerkamp, as well as Fabian Dickau, the planning for this step goes back more than a year. So everything is well prepared and the team has also been able to adjust ideally.

Marius Urbanowicz is looking forward to the tasks and challenges as sales manager.

From active to advisory role

At the same time, Marius is also happy to be able to continue to count on Bart's experience and good advice. The LEAB founder is retiring from operational sales management, but will remain active in an advisory capacity. A great foundation that Marius will certainly use for his start in his new role and the further work of our sales team.